dimanche 25 juillet 2010

New addition to our free sound bank : 3 tracks sources from Moolen !

If you liked Moolen's "Art of Heartwork" (LCLCB03), one of our latest release, here's a chance to rework three of the fine post-rock delights out of this LP : we just added the sources of "Dreamshard", "Brokentopflow" and "Fly part.2" to our free sound bank.

Tons of keyboards, synths, bass, drums, all free and legal download for you to play with.

Have an ear and don't forget to send us your work !

lundi 12 juillet 2010

Composition contest : work out LCL sound bank !


To introduce " La boite a sons " (LCL free sound bank) we organize a composition contest opened to every musician with no restriction of style.

1- Produce a track using one or several of the sounds featured in the bank
2- Send it to contest[at]lclweb[dot]org
You can mix the sources, tempo and style are free. Your work must not contain any copyrighted material.
3- A first pre-selection will be promoted via freemusicarchive.org
4- A jury composed of cc music and netaudio actors will make a final selection, that will be released as a compilation on LCL

Click here to learn everything ...

::: FRANCAIS :::

Pour inaugurer " La boite a sons " (la banque de sons gratuite de LCL) nous organisons un concours de composition ouvert à tous les musiciens sans restriction de style.

1- Composez un morceau utilisant un ou plusiurs des sons de la banque
2- Envoyez-le à contest[at]lclweb[dot]org
Vous pouvez mélanger les sources, le tempo et le style sont libres. Votre oeuvre ne doit pas contenir d'éléments soumis à un copyright.
3- Une pré-sélection sera diffusée via freemusicarchive.org
4- Un jury composé d'acteurs du netaudio et de la musique libre fera une sélection finale, qui sortira sous forme de compilation sur LCL

Cliquez ici pour tout savoir...

Calling all musicians : LCL free sound bank "La boite a sons" is online !

(LCL free soundbank)

::: ENGLISH :::

LCL is proud to present " La boite a sons", a free sound bank under a CC by-nc license, supplied by the artists that released or collaborated with our label.

The aim of this approach is to push further the use of CC licenses and encourage musicians to share more than just their tracks : share their raw materials !

Featuring samples from ARROGALLA, DISRUPT, JAMBASSA, KOU CHOU CHING, PEAK, VINILETTE, VOLFONIQ (to be growing aver time).
Many thanks to the involved artists for sharing their passion, and to the partners of this projects for supporting it.

You'll find bits of folkloric isntruments, reggae a cappella from Spain, hiphop a cappella from Taiwan, synth loops, drum loops and kits, lo-fi dub, electronics, organ slices, ...

You are free to use the samples, loops and a-cappellas in your creations as long as you respect the terms of the by-nc license.

> Browse the soundbank and meet the artists here <

::: FRANCAIS :::

LCL est fier de présenter " La boite a sons ", une banque de sons gratuite sous licence Creative Commons by-nc , alimenté par les artistes qui ont collaboré avec nous.

Le but de cette démarche est de pousser plus loin l'usage des licences Creative Commons en encourageant les musiciens à partager plus que leur morceaux : leur matière première !
Contient des samples de ARROGALLA, DISRUPT, JAMBASSA, KOU CHOU CHING, PEAK, VINILETTE, VOLFONIQ... (et plus à venir dans les prochains mois).
Un grand merci aux artistes impliqués de partager leur passion, et aux partenaires de ce projet de le soutenir.

Vous êtes libres d'utiliser ces samples, boucles et a-cappellas dans vos créations tant que vous respectez les termes de la licence by-nc.

> Explorez la banque de sons et les artistes ici <